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The GSD History is of a Very Well Respected

GSD history relatively speaking when most beautiful dog in the world compared to many of the other breeds of dog, is still that of a very young breed. Captain Max von Stephanitz a German cavalry officer, developed the German Shepherd Dog breed in 1899, based entirely on his vision of the perfect working dog, one type of dog which could work equally well under any conditions.

GSD history began in just this way. Using a variety of German sheep dogs as his foundation stock, Max von Stephanitz developed a new and distinctive working dog breed, the German Shepherd Dog.

He greatly admired the herding dogs of his native Germany and believed they had the full potential to be the total all-purpose working dog. Max von Stephanitz was very aware of the historically declining need for herding dogs and believed that the working abilities of the breed would decline unless they were put to other uses.

He Greatly Admired The Herding Dogs 

An idealist with both strong intellect and the financial capabilities to support his ideas, Max von Stephanitz also possessed the determination, drive, and dedication to put his ideas into practice. His perception of a herding dog was of an extremely intelligent, vigorous dog, of stable character and with many of the physical attributes belonging to the wild dog- fleet of foot, long of wind, and untouched by the extremes of other breeds. He was well on his way to beginning the GSD history.

He saw no beauty in a non-functional most beautiful dog in the world dog and was ruthless in discarding what he considered weak. Tireless and determined, he laid the foundations of the GSD history that were later to make the breed the greatest all-round working dog in the world.

Until Horand, herding dogs came in a variety of shapes sizes types and abilities. Shepherds in Germany like elsewhere in the world, chose their dogs for their fitness, mental and physical and for work only and cared little for the dogs appearance. Max von Stephanitz had very positive ideas about the mental, anatomical, and bio- mechanical characteristics required of a herding dog. He had a great understanding of the mental and anatomical requirements of a working shepherd dog.

Herding Dogs Came In A Variety Of Shapes

Very possibly by chance, the beginning of the GSD history started at a dog show in Germany. While at the dog show, a medium-sized yellow-and-gray dog caught the attention of von Stephanitz, attending the show with his friend Artur Meyer.This dog, Hektor, was immediately purchased by von Stephanitz and renamed Horand von Grafrath. Horand became the first registered German Shepherd Dog, with the number SV1.

Only weeks later von Stephanitz most beautiful dog in the world and his friend Artur Meyer founded the Verein für Deutsche Schafer hunde or SV (German Shepherd Dog Club), along with the help of a few other co-founders.The dog club, the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV), was to become the largest and most powerful dog breed club in the world and a major step in GSD history.


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